Diane's Poetry

In these pages, you will find a selection of poems in various styles of free verse and rhyme. They have been written - or have written themselves - over 20 years and more.

Some of my poems reflect places and experiences in the Snowy Mountains, NSW. Others are born of depression, laughter, motherhood.

Some verses spring from my stumbling, all too human encounters with an infinite, mysterious yet utterly human Christ.

Bobeyan Rdabout these words?

in day's glare

the road jolts loud,
rut and stone and

low trees a-twist
are coated
with its brown breath

...but tonight,
dust is banished

the granite trolls
wear soft snow mantles

in silence a lyrebird
measures the road's breadth,

this silvered tunnel
delved from forest
while I was gone

and wallabies, red,
lilt swift and low
to secrets
beneath the moon

About these words

One night my family returned home from Canberra along the 'back road': Bobeyan Rd, through Tharwa and Namadgi National Park.

Snow had fallen during the day. A new landscape was revealed in our headlights as we passed.

This poem was shortlisted for an award in a Victorian poetry competition; I have long forgotten what and when.
