About the Author

 A drawing of Gran by Annelise
Portrait of Gran

I'm Diane Sutton (nee White). I'm a child of God, a wife, mother, grandmother, auntie. I live near Adaminaby in rural NSW, with space for our horses, chooks and home business.

I am on a journey with Jesus. Like many others, I find it hard to fit into 'normal' churches. I am interested in healing land, healing relationships, and the how's and why's of life.

I grieve at the state of our world. Jesus taught about the Kingdom (King-ship) of God. His kingship restores creation, communities and cultures. So I won't give up on our nation or our planet.

What I do

I write: poetry, short stories, articles, letters, webpages...

I ride ponies. I seek balance, lightness and beauty. I rejoice in the rehabilitation of horses and humans from pain, confusion and fear.

I savour books: biographies, history, Tolkien, CS Lewis, the Brontës, Buchan, JK Rowling... Classics and children's novels suit me more than modern adult fiction.

I get impatient with illogic and angry at fake history which twists minds. I detest the joyless drivel of wokeness and political correctness!

The most important thing I do is follow Jesus, albeit very imperfectly. I have no intention of giving that up.

Diane and rocking horse, early 1960s Diane riding Annie

What I've done

I have a BA (Hons) from Monash Uni. I worked in public service in the 1980s in the old Dept of Aboriginal Affairs. I became a stay-at-home Mum.

Bill & I moved from Canberra to the town of Adaminaby near the Snowy Mountains. We moved onto a small acreage in the year 2000, and homeschooled our children for years 7-10. I re-commenced writing poetry, which I had enjoyed as a teenager.

Our website development and webhosting business SuttonNet began in 2012.

PS: The rocking horse is a 1930s Bartlett. It's just been lovingly restored by Olivia O'Connor.
